

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The fats in the diet of diabetics

Our daily diet is one of factors that have to control not to suffer any disease linked to eating disorders. But when the diet to Watch is a diabetic, it seems that things get complicated. Nothing is further from reality, because if we set a series of simple guidelines and we combine with imagination and balance, eating is a pleasure.

Many people are diagnosed overweight precisely because they have no care in the nutritional composition of the products they eat. The obesity is the clear winner of a bet without regard for certain types of fats also can cause problems circulatory, muscular and very serious heart disease. Thus we see that a healthy diet is imperative for any human being, whether or not diabetic.

Diabetes and ice cream

When it is summer, Increases the consumption of certain products that are traditionally associated with it, such as ice cream or drinks sweet and drinks: iced, whipped milk... These treats the associate directly with high in sugar and in this sense can be little doubt as to whether its use is suitable or not for people with diabetes.

Having diabetes should not mean having to give up these delicacies dramatically: "As the holiday season should not be a particularly difficult but a period of rest and enjoyment as for everyone else, "says Dr. Alba, an endocrinologist at the Hospital Universitario de Canarias and Editor of Diabetes SED. All they have to keep in mind is that the products they consume contain the information so they know that they can take and which not.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Fats in Food

When we talk about fat in relation to food, we usually refer to them as negative, as something to avoid. But this is a mistake. Fat is a general term for several types that exist and meet different functions in our body. Although there are some types less recommended, other essential and multiple benefits for our health.

To learn more lipids and their role in our life has recently presented 'The White Paper on Fats Functional Food ', Prepared by Dr. Andreu Palou and other members of the research group in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Nutrition and Biotechnology (Nutrigenomics) of the Universitat de les Illes Islands, and with the support of the Institute Flora. Throughout the eight chapters attempt to clarify many doubts about fats.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A diet to control cholesterol

The CVD are the leading cause of death in developed countries. Although risk factors are diverse, they all have to do with bad habits. Snuff, abuse alcohol and fat intake and physical inactivity contribute to increased blood cholesterol level, determinants for developing coronary problems. Eliminate this hazard is as easy as putting into practice healthier habits and a balanced diet. It is thanks to good nutrition, you can keep in check cholesterol and improve your quality of life.

Cholesterol in itself is not bad. Quite the contrary: it is a fat in the blood flow needed for vital body functions: cellular, hormonal, neural, digestive ... Although the body can synthesize it on its own (which is why some people are genetically more likely to have high cholesterol), we can acquire through diet. When too much, it sticks to the walls of blood vessels clogging circulation (arteriosclerosis).

What is cholesterol and how to control

Although Today the word cholesterol is full of negatives connotations associated with poor nutrition, cardiovascular problems and obesity, in reality it is a necessary element for our body. The important thing is to know what it is, how it works and when it is detrimental to health. The cholesterol is not nothing but a type of fat, A lipid involved in many important physiological processes such as cellular, digestive, and in synthesizing hormones, other functions.

Our liver is able to produce the cholesterol needed for the body. However, through feed, can receive an additional amount of this substance which, in many Sometimes it is unhealthy, especially for heart. The origin of the increase in blood is derived mainly from the increase in saturated and trans fats in the diet.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Important study on cervical cancer

Today we tell about an important study made by the Catalan Institute of Oncology in Barcelona, ​​Spain. The agency analyzed 10 000 500 cases of people who should be operated in 38 countries because of suffering from cervical cancer between 1945 and 2005. As a result the Institute could determine what viruses are the cause of this disease.

The results show that 90% of cases of cervical cancer is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). There are different variations of this virus, some of them more likely to cause this cancer. According to the study, the virus types 16 and HPV 18 have been the generators of the disease in 70% of cases.

Rectal cancer

Rectal cancer is common and feared, because in most cases is synonymous with artificial anus. However, considerable progress has been made at the surgery to keep the calendar year, removing only the diseased glands.

If we notice that we have blood in the anus, however slight, even if we have hemorrhoids, we realize ourselves a DRE, and colonoscopy. In any case, we recommend a colonoscopy after age 45, especially from those with a family history of colon cancer or rectal cancer.

The causes
The rectum is the terminal part of the colon. The cancer usually comes from a benign lesion called a polyp. Men are more likely to suffer, especially after age 50. In most cases, the appearance is spontaneous, but there are cases where a family history.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The regime for diabetics

Numerous studies claim that a proper diet helps to reduce the prevalence rates of diabetes. Therefore, food can not be neglected, especially if you suffer from this disease.

The diet of a diabetic must provide caloric intake proportional to its energy requirements and weight. Only the doctor is able to define the meal of a patient with diabetes. Each case is different, depending on physical activity, age and the specific form of diabetes.

The diet of a patient with diabetes must take into account the main food components, namely vitamins, minerals and trace elements. To avoid monotony, occasionally replace one food for another with the same principles. For example, the pod can be replaced by another type of starch.

The menu must be composed of seven major classes of foods, namely fats, vegetables, fish and meat, fruit, cereals and dairy products.

Diabetes and obesity increase the risk of cancer

People with type 2 diabetes or obesity are at increased risk of developing cancer, but mainly increases much more when you have both things at once, mainly by the activity of insulin and the risk of cancer in itself. In a society where almost half of diabetics suffer from obesity, it is important to change this fact. If we can control obesity by lowering the weight decrease cancer risk.

Patients with diabetes should lose weight weight control for better metabolic control of the body. The control of glucose levels in patients with diabetes is essential to avoid damage to the body.

How to assume a treatment of diabetes

Taking a disease is always difficult, ie facing a sudden this guy can reach distress. Therefore, to cope with a disease must be allowed to spend the time to digest the news. A story that will be seen from another perspective as the days go. Today we will focus on a disease that affects a significant percentage of the population and can occur at any age: diabetes. No doubt, it is harder to take the disease to a young person than an adult. Young person feels difficulty in principle when giving up certain habits.

What to do when the doctor diagnoses a patient with diabetes? The first step is to admit the disease, ie not deny reality. Assume that things are as they are and not be changed. Living in denial just invites a person to promote self-pity and shame.

In addition, any patient with depression should also be aware of their weight but yes, without obsessing. A proper weight indicates perfect health.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Discovery of new genetic factors that cause bladder cancer

We recently talked about cervical cancer and new research that served to know what are the viruses that cause it. Today we devote an article to urinary bladder cancer, a disease which has also seen major developments in recent days.

A study conducted jointly by several organizations from different countries around the world identified three genetic factors so far unknown, that influence the occurrence of bladder cancer. In addition, through research were able to confirm six factors identified in earlier studies.

Two of these three genes identified increase the risk of uterine cancer in smokers. One is the NAT2 gene, which only increases the risk of cancer from smoking. Moreover, the researchers noted that relatives of people with this disease are more likely to get it.

Fruits and diabetes

Currently, many people with diabetes around the world. This condition is not allowed to eat anything they wanted, and that is why we must try to follow a diet that suits your needs.
One of the most frequent questions we hear is in the section of fruit. What fruits are not recommended in the case of diabetes?

Usually mistakenly believe that many of the usual fresh fruit (mangoes, apples or bananas) have sugar levels that make them "forbidden foods" for diabetics.

More important than choosing the fruit according to their carbohydrate content, is how to respect the limits of daily sugars we eat, and not only in foods are fruit, but in many others.
That is why we should not in any way eliminate the fresh fruit in our diet, and in fact we can take 3 or 4 servings of fruit a day without worry, but that if we keep track of the recommended amounts of carbohydrate.

It is often advised that a portion of fruit for diabetics contains no more than 15 grams of carbohydrates. And how I can know this? Well, taking a simple rule of three the approximate weight of one serving of fruit and its% carbohydrate.

Too hard?
Not so much to give you an idea, some fruits with about 15 grams of carbohydrates are: half a banana, half a mango, half a slice of watermelon, a small apple, a dozen grapes or medium bowl of fruit salad, to name a few.
What we should try to avoid is the fruit in syrup, dry, frosty confit and, for added sugars contain many more fresh fruits.
The World Diabetes Day is a day held an information campaign about diabetes, which is one of the diseases that affect people worldwide. With this campaign that takes place on 14 November each year tries to present the causes, symptoms, treatment and complications associated with this disease, especially in order to prevent or make it more bearable. Each year we report on all these aspects to us aware that diabetes is increasing every year, so we have to do something to prevent it.

The World Diabetes Day is celebrated every year on November 14, as stated above, with this date being the anniversary of Frederick Banting who, along with Charles Best, came to the discovery of insulin in October 1921.
If you feel like this disease and not know what is, something very strange as the most and least knows someone who has diabetes, know that diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose (sugar) of blood are very high.

According to statistics, not in four Spanish has or is willing to develop diabetes, according to results of a comprehensive study released by the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN), on the occasion of World Diabetes Day, which is Today marks the 14th November. The day was organized on this occasion under the theme Take control of diabetes, it now and has been promoted by WHO.

According to the WHO, World Health Organization, 300 million people are diabetic and consume 11.6% of global health expenditure.

On the other hand, an encouraging sign as it comes to fitness and diet can be lowered to 50% the risk of diabetes, which would leave in 12.5% ​​of Spanish at risk for diabetes if all we controlled our diet and did exercise.

Artificial pancreas revolutionize the treatment of diabetes

Not all diabetics are insulin dependent, but a large part of them. This condition forces them to have to take insulin shots every day to control blood sugar levels. This is because the body of people with diabetes does not produce insulin or produces too little.
But the daily insulin injections may no longer be necessary due to the creation of Joan Taylor, a professor at De Montfort University in Leicester, England.

This is an artificial pancreas that would have the ability to release preloaded insulin when the body needs it. While the project is still in preclinical testing stage, it could represent one of the greatest advances in history in the treatment of diabetes.

The artificial pancreas would be implanted between the last rib and the hip of the patient and should be refilled with insulin every few weeks. The device is coated by a metallic shell and held in place by a gel barrier. When the body needs more insulin, due to presence of high blood sugar, artificial body gel softens allowing the release into the bloodstream of the right amount of this hormone to reduce glucose levels.

Taylor said: "I realized I could use some protein (not specified) to create a gel that could react to glucose. When exposed to body fluids surrounding the internal organs, the gel reacts according to the amount of glucose present. "

The next step of research will begin clinical trials, probably a few years, so that in 5 to 10 years, the artificial pancreas is available for people with diabetes. According to experts believe, this system would be costly to patients.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Vision loss and diabetes type 2

Researchers have found two new treatments that can slow the progression of vision loss in adults at high risk of type 2 diabetes. The loss of vision, called diabetic retinopathy is caused by damage to blood vessels in the retina. In diabetics with retinopathy, blood vessels can leak and cause the retina to swell.

In the largest study of its kind to date, the trial investigators have followed 2,865 type 2 diabetics. Slightly less than 50 percent of patients had mild retinopathy at the beginning of research. Over a period of four years, the researchers took photographs of the retina, for any changes in blood vessels and progression of retinopathy.

"Many people with diabetes have microvascular problems, which can result in kidney problems and amputations of the fingers and toes, and the only place that allows direct observation of the microvasculature is in the back of the eye," said Walter Ambrose, of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center and lead investigator of the ACCORD study. "What we have seen in the eyes, is potentially an indicator of what is happening in other parts of the body."

Study patients received three treatments. Therapy to control and normalize blood sugar, treatments to control blood pressure and lead levels in normal and combination lipid therapy with fenofibrate. The fenofibrate, are cholesterol-lowering drugs, which lower triglycerides stored in the body and raise levels of HDL, also known as good cholesterol.

Combined treatment decreased the progression of visual loss in one third. "Previous clinical trials have shown the beneficial effects of intensive control of blood sugar, to slow the progression of diabetic retinopathy in people with type 1 diabetes or newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes," said Paul Sieving, director of the National Eye Institute.

Diabetes, a disease that fast spreads

Many times people often seen as dangerous only to diseases that are caused by a virus or bacteria. However, there are other conditions that are very negative health and can cause irreversible damage or death, which are not contagious but are generated in the body by different factors.

In this group we find diabetes, a disease considered epidemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) and a threat to global health at the level of other serious diseases such as HIV / AIDS.

According to official data from WHO, in 2000 there were 120 million diabetics worldwide, a figure that is steadily growing, and it is estimated that in 2030 there are  about 366 million people with diabetes in the world.

On the other hand, it is estimated that 8 out of 10 patients with diabetes die from cardiac or cerebral complications and in the next 10 years deaths from this disease could increase by 50%. Meanwhile, the International Diabetes Federation has reported that every 10 seconds a person dies in the world because of diabetes.

Actually these numbers are alarming and are a sign that health-related organizations must do something urgent to stop the spread of this disease. Per, what do to reduce deaths from diabetes?

The first thing to consider is that it is extremely important to have a study of blood sugar at least once a year. Second, know what are the risk factors. People with obesity, lipid abnormalities and hypertension are more prone to this type of metabolic disorder.
In this regard, we note that regular physical activity helps improve management of stocks of sugar in the body.

Monday, June 11, 2012

The symptoms of diabetes

The important thing is to act in time and detect diabetes as early as possible to avoid unnecessary risks. Therefore, today, we focus on the symptoms of diabetes, those elements that can make you suspect that you suffer.

The main symptoms of diabetes highlights thirst. People with diabetes often have thirst. Also, diabetics are hungry, because the cells can not detect the glucose from food, have much appetite.
Similarly, another symptom to note is the change that occurs in your skin. This is a most significant signal that warns of a possible diabetes, since an excess of sugar can generate a skin infection.

Also other symptoms of diabetes is weight loss, but have not stopped eating or have followed a diet. You may also have stomach pains and heartburn. On the other hand, people with diabetes often feel tired, actually derived from the difficulty for the body to convert glucose into energy.

We can also find other symptoms such as blurred vision, as if you saw a small cloud.
Bear in mind the desire to urinate, because the kidney does not filter properly and you feel like going to the bathroom constantly and so we must add that the nails lose their strength and begin to fall or break off.

Lately, we note that another symptom that warns of a possible diabetes is when you smell the breath can be because you have diabetes, ie halitosis.
It is important to control the sugar level to avoid problems and believe that you star in these symptoms, see your doctor for proper treatment prompted the situation.

Pilopeptan 60 Capsules for hair and nails.

The Pilopeptan capsules are a multivitamin that provides the body with the necessary components to combat hair loss and weakness, and fragility of your nails. Also contribute to a good state of your skin. His presentation in capsule prevents digestive problems maintaining its nutritional properties. He recommends using it for 3 months and then leave 3 more rest in order to see the fruits of treatment.

The results are seen in the hair, which becomes brighter, more strength and grows more vigorously and rapidly. The nails are no longer soft and harden. This medicine does not involve contraindications.

Hair loss and brittle nails can occur in situations of nutritional deficit during periods of stress, fatigue, or post-post-wear periods of nursing or as a side effect to treatment (chemotherapy). The general state of health affects our hair. Also important is the theme of "hormonal", such as in menopause, where you can lose hair. This is due to low estrogen and high levels of testosterone in our bodies.

Consumption of the capsules Pilopeptan not cause weight gain. We must remember that vitamins have no caloric value, beyond that deficiency of vitamins B and A can decrease appetite. By taking vitamins again stabilize appetite and increases metabolism by replenishing the vitamins B, leading to increased energy consumption.

How to use (*):
Take 2 capsules Pilopeptan in one take with breakfast or lunch.

Composition (*):
Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6 HCL, Nicotinamida, calcium pantothenate, Vitamin H (Biotin), Vitamin ED, La-Tocopherol acetate, zinc sulfate monohidrato, selenium, calcium phosphate, Extracto de Mijo, D, L-Methionine, L-Cysteine, L- cystine, L-Leucine, L-Lysine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, L-threonine, L-b L-alanine, Aceite de Soja, Glyceryl monoestearato de Soja lecithin.
(*) Do not exceed stated recommended dose. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for balanced diet, the product should be kept out of reach of children. Presentation 60 capsules.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Diet with 100% effective

There are many person who believe that there is a diet that meet their goals of improving health and appearance. However, each person is different, and we must be clear about several aspects of each subject and influence one or another diet for everyone.

First we must know the goals we want to achieve, lose weight, gain weight, gain muscle, define, and so on. Accordingly, we will choose one or the other diet. Every diet should be personal for each person, and therefore, any diet that is general, we will not be ignored in its entirety. It does not mean to be ineffective, what are these diets are to advise from the point of view of others, but you must never do is take at face value a generalist diet.

Therefore, we must take these diets that best suits us, and do my best to do this, is to consult a professional nutrition and dietetics.

If you want to start yourself by planning your diet, it is best to make a realistic diary of what you eat normally without dieting. To do this, you must write down everything you consume over 15 days. In these data, should appear, grams consumed portions, ultimately, the amount of each food, drink, etc.. It is also appropriate to note the way of cooking food.

Should be taken very seriously this newspaper, we will serve to move important data to a database so that, from here, a nutritionist, tell us how we're exceeding, food change, forms different cooking, etc..

Start your day today and creating your diet will be 100% effective only for you.

Myths about Diets

There are many myths generated about low-calorie diets. Try to uncover some mysteries about them.

We all happened to begin a diet thinking it was the ideal, and after a few days to finish leaving her and raiding the fridge again with the same weight always the guilty conscience of not been constant. But we are not always fully responsible for ourselves, we often think that the best way to diet is depriving it of almost everything when it is not.

Many specialists in the field tell us that the best way to lose weight is not to suppress but to reduce food portions. It is best to adopt an eating plan that is consistent with our age, weight, lifestyle and physical activity.

Let's eradicate some false myths:
The toast has less calories than fresh bread, this is false, both have the same caloric value.
Fattening bread, cookies do not. This is also unreal. The bread has no fat (unlike cookies), plus surely if we eat bread before we feel satisfied.

The water makes you fat. This is one of the biggest nonsense I hear about diets. Furthermore there is no scientific research of this faith.
The banana adds calories. Neither is real. A small banana gives us 130 calories, a large apple give us 120.

The grapes are fattening. This is certain. A pot of grapes has 168 calories.
It is also true, if undertaking a meal plan that vegetables should be the foundation of your diet. If you look at a food pyramid, whole grains and legumes are the basis of the same, followed by fruits and vegetables.

Beet fat thanks to the quantity of sugars which contains. This is not true, the caloric value has beet is very similar to carrots or squash.
In a future article we will unveil the truths and lies of the implicated foods in your diet to lose weight.

Ten tips to lose weight effortlessly

Losing weight is hard, you have to make sacrifices. However, if you make small sacrifices you lose weight almost effortlessly.
Here you will see 10 tips to lose weight the best way possible.
  • Patience is the greatest of your virtues. If you find after a while has not thinned much do not despair, it is important to be aware though that may not find the results you expected.
  • After the second week did not become slim as much as the others. You must take this into account not discouraged. The first few weeks become slim because you will lose more liquids, swelling and other things.
  • Often you exercise. It is not necessary that you do every day, not even kill you exercise, with half-hour workout three times a week is enough.
  • No sprints in between. Many times you will have the temptation to snack between meals, if you can resist the temptation will be taking a big step to lose weight. If you're itching to do healthy things, fruits, healthy snacks, etc..
  • Take every opportunity you can to move, but not necessary. For example, take the stairs even if you lift, if you go to a bike and haul the bike up the car, even better if you can walk. Sure you can think more times that you could move more and you do not.
  • Eat 5 times a day if possible, at least 4. It is better to eat smaller meals more times a day to eat once and eat in large quantities. Besides, your body handles food better if you get it more often.
  • If you get other people to do your very way of life and consciousness to another person with you to diet will be easier to achieve consistency.
  • Maintain a balanced diet to eat more healthy foods, avoiding fats and sugars as much as possible.
  • Come with your hours. Keep a specific meal times and not far from them.
  • Once you have a healthy lifestyle, keep them. Avoid the rebound effect that after leaving a diet regain all the lost kilos.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The true of drinking water on fattening food?

How many times have we heard or read somewhere that water if we take it at lunch and dinner is going to get fat. But ... really Does the water fattening?.

Then we can drink the water calm because apart from being colorless, odorless and insipidus has not a gram calorie. To the contrary, it is our best ally to lose weight, it is 100% beneficial for our cells and helps keep our metabolism going throughout the day, in addition, to hydrate your body both internally and externally.

Another thing different is the amount of water we have to drink and at what time is best to take the water to thin more.

Drink a glass of water before meals will help us sated before and therefore do not eat too much. A glass after a meal will help us make better digestion and therefore will not notice our stomach so swollen. But we can drink at meals without fear of gaining weight.

We should never overwhelm more than 4 or 5 liters of water, because the profit could do otherwise. Excesses are always bad. An average is 1,5 a 2 liters and 3 liters of water if we are in midsummer or perform heavy exercise.

One important thing to bear in mind is the mineralization of water. Not all bottled waters have a low sodium percentage. If we look closely there are some brands that contain a higher percentage mineralization of 80 mg / l of sodium. That is a very high and people with fluid retention problems they will be fatal to the diet. Have to look at the water we buy and that is always low mineral and low in sodium.

An advice note quite natural for these great benefits is to take a glass of hot water just wake up before breakfast. A few minutes go to the bathroom without any problems and we feel lighter all day.

In summary, we have a balanced diet and drink plenty of water for our body to stay active and healthy.

A tongue like fat

While years ago it was argued that present in the tongue papillae allowed only distinguish four different flavors (sweet, salty, sour, bitter) and there was evidence that the language could also identify the flavor "Unami" similar to the protein, and fat, although many
scientists thought that the latter feeling was associated more with texture than taste.

According to recent studies, the taste receptors present on the tongue can taste the fat, which would influence a preference for foods rich in this nutrient.
French researchers reported that rodents have a receiver on your tongue can feel the taste of fat, which could increase its need in food.

Apparently, humans would be the same. That is, in addition to fat texture, people might have receptors on their tongues that increase their preference for fatty foods, which was confirmed by identifying a protein called CD36 that facilitates the uptake of fatty acids.

This receptor is located on the cell surface and distributed in many tissues including fat cells, gastrointestinal tract, heart tissue, muscle-skeletal tissue and, of course, the tongue.
From this finding, the experts concluded that in the future through genetic engineering will be possible to change the amount of CD36 protein receptors to regulate the need for fat.
Meanwhile, they are involved voluntarily control their consumption, due to the many problems caused by excess consumption in the human body.

Sibutramine, a diet drug withdrawn

Sibutramine is a diet drug that was booming but because of its significant side effects, has generated much controversy in the medical community. Unlike Xenical, this drug is not focused on inhibiting fat absorption but has a anorectic function acting at the level of central nervous system.

Sibutramine is marketed under various names, such as: Reductil, Repentil and Siluvial, And is designed for people with obesity who have not responded adequately to diet to reduce weight.

La sibutramina could be acquired only by prescriptionBecause the physician should assess the patient's health status and to investigate thoroughly on pre-existing heart conditions to determine if this is an excellent candidate to take the medicine and check the dose.

It is worth to note that currently the marketing of this medicine has been suspended in many countries and is being evaluated in other, as has been verified increased heart problems with its intake, altering the risk-benefit of the drug.

The sibutramna comes in two forms, dose of 10 mg to 15 mg, The latter being the maximum that can be ingested per day. It should take in the morning on an empty stomach with water and without being accompanied by other drugs (glucosamine, Postinor, Levothyroxine, etc) because it can impair the absorption of the same.
People with diabetes, heart problems, hypertension, pregnant women, nursing mothers, with hypercholesterolemia, gastric bypass surgery recently, among others, can not take sibutramine.

During treatment with sibutramine, women must take special care not to become pregnant and that the safety of the drug in these cases has not been proven, which is why experts recommend the use of oral contraceptives or barrier methods to good use.
The most common side effects of sibutramine intake are:
  • Insomnia
  • Dry mouth
  • Flaccidity
  • Irritable character
  • Constipation
  • Disturbance of thought
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Hypertension
  • Headache
  • Excessive sweating
Uncommon side effects:
  • Tachycardia
  • Vasodilation
  • Palpitations
  • Increased appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Rectal disorders
  • Dental Disorders
  • Dyspepsia
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Generalized edema and peripheral
  • Thirst
  • Arthralgia
  • Myalgia
  • Tenosynovitis
  • Arthritis
  • Dizziness
  • Paresthesia
  • Depression
  • Emotional lability
  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Nervousness
  • Cramps
  • Sinusitis
  • Bronchitis
  • Dyspnoea
  • Laryngitis
  • Rash
  • Herpes
  • Hearing impairment
  • Alteration of taste
  • Otalgia
  • Amblyopia
  • Dysmenorrhea
  • Urinary infection
  • Candidiasis
  • Metrorrhagia
  • Menstrual disorders
Needless to say that sibutramine is not a magic solution to the problem of obesity alone does not produce significant changes in body weight, treatment must be supplemented with a balanced diet and exercise.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Improve your diet

Food is a basic and fundamental act that conforms to one of the main pillars of human life, which, to achieve optimum power is required do based on three key points: order, variation and defined portions of meals.

Another issue is the quality and quantity, terms that arise with the advent of modern societies nature on which we are immersed, as it entails that individuals have to face the permanent external factors such as stress, fatigue, fads, diets, eating disorders, abusive campaigns, etc, that directly affect food.

It is logical to say that every human being must eat to live, and depend on each, choose the mode, the amount and quality of eating the food, but nevertheless, nutrition is a concept of the body, who, through a process physiological food incorporated therein, are transformed and assimilated.

A stress component with respect to sudden changes in general nutrition, is the importance of the food pyramid, food indicator recommended by experts for healthy living.
At present, we can see this variation of the pyramid, since it corresponds to the change in mainstream terms, the practice of bad habits.

It is advisable to keep a balanced life between the (outer) and psychology (interior), both factors in exercising frequently, and if not able to do it alone, always go to the appropriate professionals, most often using the clinics or centers aesthetics during the summertime, when we want to look at 100% and showing off in any of the destinations with beaches, sun and sand.

Therefore, always worth a healthy diet, frequent exercise routine and a life in which the personal and social reality in which we allow inserts to us.

Eat fish, drink milk and sleep well for weight loss

Today, television, internet, magazines, newspapers and advertising we are bombarded with messages about what to do and what not to do to lose weight: Is it better to sleep little to burn more calories? Is it good to drink milk? What foods are best to not let my diet? There have been hundreds of studies on all these issues and will post some below, but all of them are summarized in the following premise: eat in moderation and move.

A recent study by the University of Chicago and published in Annals of Internal Medicine Points to the need to sleep 8 hours a day for a diet to be effective. This study, conducted with 10 volunteers shows that while those who slept 8 hours lost a kilo and a half of fat, which did not exceed the 5 lost just over half a kilo of fat. The investigation also revealed that those who slept less spent more hunger, since increased levels of ghrelin, the hormone that controls appetite, and decreased leptin levels, responsible for the sensation of satiety, which may lead to medium term abandonment of the diet. All this suggests that sleep is essential if our goal is to lose weight long term and not fall into a yo-yo.

Furthermore, a new test developed by Israeli researchers has shown that eating dairy helps you lose weight. So, take the equivalent of two glasses of skim milk daily can lead to loss over two years of six pounds more than if we do not take any kind of milk will go on a diet. The explanation is based on the fact that this type of products help turn fat in faces, and thus to leave the body.

In this same test has also shown that a sufficient concentration of vitamin D blood also contributes to weight loss. Thus, foods such as milk (which is enriched with this vitamin from the years 30), fatty fish such as herring, salmon, sardines or tuna, liver, fish and egg yolks also impact positively on the loss weight.

In short, the conclusion of these studies we can extract something we already knew: the trick to control our weight is to stick to a Mediterranean diet rich in vegetables, fruits, vegetables, fish and milk, and sleep well.

Breakfast according to your physical activity

Breakfast is a meal we do more anarchic. On many occasions we have heard the phrase: "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day"The truth is that this is entirely true. A good intake early in the morning is ideal for energy production that will allow us to develop our activities during the day.

Here we must understand one thing: what matters is not the quantity but the quality of what is going to eat. Breakfast junk food, albeit more or less, do not contribute enough to cope with daily tasks with energy and a healthy way.
The first thing to consider is what kind of activities will be carried out during the day, because depending on each of them can raise different types of breakfast. For example, it will be the same style intake of a person who has to perform administrative tasks that have to be in constant motion or an athlete. Here are some examples of breakfast leave to consider:
  • Breakfast for people always on the move: They can start the day eating a couple of fried eggs and bread with a cup of coffee. If you do not want to eat foods high in fat, they can opt for fruits (banana, melon, kiwi, apples, oranges, etc) and accompany them with a cup of milk or yogurt. Can all this accompanied by a toasted bread with tomato and ham.
  • Breakfast for people practicing sports: a good choice to start the day eating fruit or drinking a glass of juice squeezed and accompany it with a cup of coffee with milk and yogurt with cereal.
  • Low-fat breakfast: Best breakfast a fruit or a glass of squeezed juice and top with two slices of bread with cheese and a cup of tea.
  • Breakfast for people with intellectual tasks: As physical activity is negligible in this class of people, start your day with something light. You can opt for a cup of coffee with two slices of bread with ham and cheese.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Eating out and get to lose weight

Today many people work from home or have little time for lunch which means having to spend eating out and think it is virtually impossible to lead a healthy diet to lose weight. The reality is that this is just a myth, because recently the Spanish Heart Foundation through one of its members, Dr. Petra Sanz, presented some very useful tips for people who have to eat outside their homes daily and may lose weight.

Note that normally when you go out to eat much and eat more foods containing a higher amount of saturated animal fats, and also tends to take quite a delicious dessert but surely has many sugars. This is fine when you eat out once a point, at which one should take their fancy, but not when eaten daily in restaurants because it is not at all healthy.

That is why the first advice of the Spanish Heart Foundation is to choose different restaurants that take into account the welfare of their customers, where they serve more vegetables, fruits and vegetables, etc., so-called "green menu".

Once chosen the restaurant is appropriate, the following recommendation of Dr. Sanz is to require the use of olive oil to flavor food (without going over, no more than 6 tablespoons), eating meals steamed, baked or to grilled instead of fried and avoid excess salt. Besides all this, if you suffer from any specific disease, it is best for your diet adjustments to it.

If we eat in a restaurant, a good option may be to ask first two, which generally tend to be rich in carbohydrates and fiber. The latter often contain enough fat. When eating out try not to abuse alcohol, one glass of wine is beneficial, more is not advisable, as well as having a lot of calories, alcohol causes us to lose some control of what we eat, so they tend to eat something else. Finally, if you have made the decision to overeat at lunch then remember to compensate with a light dinner.

Menopause Diet

A diet balanced, healthy and personalized as the foundation for optimal results.
There are certain plants that contain natural substances, called phytoestrogens, which act as replacement therapy in estrogen deficiency.

The isoflavones contained in soy and other vegetables have a strong estrogenic action because its chemical structure allows them to act very much like they would estrogen secreted by the human body. It has been found that women in Eastern countries have a lower incidence of symptoms and problems associated with menopause because their diet is rich in foods such as soybeans, corn, alfalfa and cabbage, Which contain a significant amount of isoflavones.
  • Isoflavones help maintain good bone health, helping to prevent osteoporosis and cardiovascular system is functioning correctly.
  • They also help reduce various symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, fatigue, night sweats, changes in mood, and so on.
  • There are also numerous studies "in vitro" which suggest its effect in inhibiting tumor cell growth.
  • The greatest evidence of the benefits of isoflavones focuses on the results of cardiovascular disease, lowering cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.
  • The presence of isoflavones in the body activates the immune defense through increased activity of macrophages and white blood cells.

Lower Cholesterol by Nuts

According to a study conducted by the department of nutrition at Loma Linda University, California, United States, who joined 25 research studies above, which involved 583 men and women, confirming the beneficial effects intake of nuts on blood fats, keeping in mind that none of the subjects was taking medications to lower cholesterol.

In interpreting the data obtained after the study, researchers concluded that daily consumption of 67 grams of nuts produced the following results: total cholesterol decreased by 5.1%, LDL cholesterol ("bad") cholesterol fell by 7, 4% and there was a significant decrease in triglycerides by 10.2%.

Cholesterol is a fat produced by the body, especially the liver (70%), and is essential for the formation of cell membranes (found in the heart, muscles, skeleton, intestines and nervous system) and production of hormones, so essential to our vital functions.
Only 30% of cholesterol comes from comes from dietary sources, especially saturated fats (eg meat and dairy products).

It is important to distinguish "good" cholesterol, HDL, the "bad" cholesterol, LDL. This differentiation is due to the particular manner in which each one of them moves the blood. HDL transports cholesterol from blood vessels into the liver, while LDL carries cholesterol into cells lining the blood vessel walls, which could increase the process of atherosclerosis.
Be sure to consult your doctor about eating nuts, which, in addition to lowering cholesterol, give the body a significant amount of minerals like calcium, iron and phosphorus.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cholesterol controls for young adults

Young adults tend to be remarkably unconcerned about the prevention in health care and control of cholesterol, is no exception. Barely half of all men and young women are screened for LDL cholesterol, the so-called bad cholesterol.

The study was based on an analysis of data from 2,587 young adults, including men from 20 to 35 years and women aged 20 to 45. Dr. Elena V. Kuklina, is the lead author, said young adults should be screened for heart disease, a chronic condition that can begin to damage the blood vessels at an early age.

"You can see even at 10 years," said Dr. Kuklina. "But we also have evidence that if you start to intervene in time, it is much easier to make the whole process, if you are in a later age, when you already have plaque and vessels are blocked."
Examination is recommended to all from age 20 for men and women. Ask your doctor about which tests are right for you, depending on age and medical history. Because it is best prevented.

Acupuncture helps to lower cholesterol

After being detected high levels of blood cholesterol, the main attention should be given to food as poor eating habits are primarily responsible for the excess LDL cholesterol (known as bad cholesterol) levels. Besides the reduction of food of animal origin, patients with high levels of cholesterol in your diet is to add the right mix of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and oil seeds. In this new lifestyle is to be carried, acupuncture can be a great ally, as it promotes balance the endocrine system and improves blood circulation.

Acupuncture is a healing technique used in traditional Chinese medicine, but that in turn has been adopted in other countries. Is based on the use of very fine needles with the objective of stimulating specific areas of the body. These points lie on energy pathways called "meridians." Are designed acupuncture treatments to improve the flow and balance of energy along these meridians.

With peripheral stimulation, the technique helps the body eliminate bad cholesterol and produce good cholesterol. The body itself, when stimulated, promotes balance of substances. Patients already taking medications to treat cholesterol problems have no contraindication to the use of acupuncture, but quite the opposite.

The technique helps the absorption of various substances, including drugs, increasing its effects. For those afraid of needles, there's good news: Acupuncture is only one branch of the many that make traditional Chinese medicine. Phytotherapy techniques, auriculotherapy, tui-na, electro, among others, also have similar benefits and do not involve the use of needles.

In addition, some techniques are used acupuncture to help improve other aspects of health. For example, auricular acupuncture is used to reduce weight, manage stress, curb migraine, controlling nerves, lower triglycerides, reduce high blood pressure and combat colon irritation.

Cholesterol could be as harmful as Alzheimer's

Foods which rich of cholesterol may be as harmful as Alzheimer's, as shown in a study in rats, and that cholesterol may cause brain damage. The study, published in the journal "Molecular Cellular Neuroscience," was performed on rats by researchers from the Laboratory of Psychiatry and Experimental Alzheimer's Research.

To do this study, male rats fed with normal food 6 months but with a 5% cholesterol. After 5 months, damages sought or possible behavioral pathological markers similar to those of Alzheimer's patients. The result of this study led them to believe that the results hipercolesterolema chronic inflammation, memory loss, cholinergic dysfunction and increased beta-amyloid protein. All these symptoms also occur in Alzheimer's patients.

Of course, and although it is thought that cholesterol may participate in the development of Alzheimer's disease does not prove to be the only factor involved in this process. Despite this, there are many hypotheses that Alzheimer's could be a vascular disease.

Alzheimer's is an important disease that mainly affects older people who lose consciousness, mental ability and also seriously affects people's memory.

Finding the factors leading to this disease could be the beginning to create effective drugs to fight effectively against Alzheimer's and make life easier for the millions of people suffering from this disease and people around them. An efficient new drug to cure Alzheimer's would be quality of life for several million people. So far, this is just one more study, a small step to be followed with further research on this line.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The so-called "good cholesterol"

Although always associated cholesterol as a disease harmful to the body, cholesterol is not only harmful to the body but also fulfills functions essential for the proper functioning of the human organism.

Fats are energy-rich substances that serve as an indispensable source of fuel for the human body's metabolic processes. The sources of fat the body needs can be two: the food, or the producer's own body, especially the liver.

The major fatty substances found in the blood are cholesterol and triglycerides.
When it comes to cholesterol is often immediately think of coronary artery disease in stroke, arteriosclerosis, etc.. It is true that abnormal values ​​of fats in the blood can cause serious problems, but there is another side that few know about cholesterol.

Cholesterol is not only a substance found in the body, but is found in most living organisms, both plant and animal and even in bacteria. This suggests that there must be a reason why all living beings possess certain levels of cholesterol.

Not all forms of cholesterol are harmful, there is a class that is actually harmful to the body, but there is another class that lowers risk of heart disease, and is known under the name of good or beneficial cholesterol.

The cholesterol carried by low density lipoprotein (a combination of fats and proteins known as LDL) is the most harmful, while the lipoprotein high density lipoprotein (HDL) is beneficial and important functions in our body.

For many years, cholesterol has been considered the main responsible for the heart problems of thousands of people who suffer and have died because of it. Since then many people are constantly awaiting the food they eat and the cholesterol level the same and your body. But the truth is they are also required certain levels of fat for the proper functioning of the body and is of fundamental importance for metabolism.

The blood cholesterol

Like I said before, the excess cholesterol is not good for our body. High cholesterol is linked with having atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases dangerous.

The larger the amount of fat you eat and grow the more cholesterol from food, the higher the cholesterol levels in our blood and major heart problems.
As we know, there is an important link between food and heart. But not all fats we consume are necessarily bad. Some help raise levels of blood cholesterol, but not others. The bad fats are saturated. We should try to avoid a diet rich in red meat, whole milk, other dairy products and foods fried in butter, lard or margarine.

A balanced diet is very important to control high blood cholesterol. Usually vegetarians have lower levels of bad cholesterol. Therefore it is advisable to lower consumption of saturated fats and increased intake of soluble fiber that allows rapid removal of stools that are in your intestines by preventing the absorption of cholesterol is dissolved in the stool.

You must reduce the consumption of:
Red meats, sausages
Eggs. It is advisable to discard them entirely from the diet, but cut down. Egg whites can be consumed without any problem, the problem is excess consumption of yolk.
Cookies, bread
Whole milk and whole milk products
Excess of chocolates and sweets
Alcoholic beverages
Fried foods
Carbohydrates (both simple sugars)

Increase consumption of:
Olive oil
Milk and skim milk
Pulses and vegetables
Oily fish (rich in Omega 3)
Brown Rice
Understanding Cholesterol (Cholesterol #1)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Cholesterol Myths

There are many popular beliefs about cholesterol should be reviewed as it is common for people to endanger their health, even when they believe they are doing things right.

First myth: to have normal cholesterol not nothing wrong can happen to you.
A person can have normal cholesterol and coronary heart disease anyway or pressure, or severe diffuse. The normal value is not defined from the parameters of the entire population but from the personal risk. To do this you need a specialist to provide information on each particular situation.

Second myth: they have high cholesterol because they eat too much fat.
Remember that 85 percent of the value of LDL cholesterol in the blood is genetically determined. Anyway a very strict diet and designed by professionals can drop to 15 percent the value of bad cholesterol.

Third myth: cholesterol is caused by stress.
There is no clear evidence on the impact of acute or chronic stress increased cholesterol. What is likely is that a person with a serious problem in life is change your diet or neglect, anxiety and overeating, thereby increasing the values ​​of their lipid profile.

Fourth Myth: The cholesterol-lowering drugs destroy liver and muscles.
The rate of adverse effects on these organs, observed in patients taking cholesterol-lowering drugs does not exceed 1%.

Fifth myth is self-regulating treatment for yourself. Many patients believe that cholesterol-lowering medication should leave but they are misguided as it is the physician in charge of suspending therapy.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The two types of cholesterol

We know how important taking care of blood cholesterol levels, and so today we'll talk about the two types of cholesterol exist, popularly known as good cholesterol and bad cholesterol or rather, HDL and LDL.

Cholesterol is one of those substances that the body needs and can not live without it. But the excess is bad, can be very harmful. Start from the assumption that cholesterol is not more than fat, and therefore, the body needs to manufacture cholesterol substances (such as vitamin D, hormones, etc.).

Focusing on the two types of cholesterol can find a hard difference between good cholesterol and bad cholesterol:

- HDL. Commonly known as good cholesterol, is responsible for carrying excess cholesterol in the tissues to the liver. The level of HDL in normal conditions have to be higher than 40 mg / dl in women and 35 mg / dl in men.

- LDL. Known as bad cholesterol. Harmful cholesterol or LDL cholesterol is the cholesterol at the blood vessel walls which can not be excreted from the body. If there is too much LDL, it may cause a blockage in the blood. 

 Levels of LDL are the following:

* Height: above 160 mg / dl
* Normal-high: 100 to 160 mg / dl
* Normal: less than 100 mg / dl
Finally, total cholesterol levels (according to the Spanish Heart Foundation) are:
* Height: above 240 mg / dl
* Normal-high: between 200 and 240 mg / dl. At levels above 200 mg / are considered hypercholesterolemia.
. * Normal: less than 200 mg / dl.
What Is Cholesterol and What Are the Types?