

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Cholesterol Myths

There are many popular beliefs about cholesterol should be reviewed as it is common for people to endanger their health, even when they believe they are doing things right.

First myth: to have normal cholesterol not nothing wrong can happen to you.
A person can have normal cholesterol and coronary heart disease anyway or pressure, or severe diffuse. The normal value is not defined from the parameters of the entire population but from the personal risk. To do this you need a specialist to provide information on each particular situation.

Second myth: they have high cholesterol because they eat too much fat.
Remember that 85 percent of the value of LDL cholesterol in the blood is genetically determined. Anyway a very strict diet and designed by professionals can drop to 15 percent the value of bad cholesterol.

Third myth: cholesterol is caused by stress.
There is no clear evidence on the impact of acute or chronic stress increased cholesterol. What is likely is that a person with a serious problem in life is change your diet or neglect, anxiety and overeating, thereby increasing the values ​​of their lipid profile.

Fourth Myth: The cholesterol-lowering drugs destroy liver and muscles.
The rate of adverse effects on these organs, observed in patients taking cholesterol-lowering drugs does not exceed 1%.

Fifth myth is self-regulating treatment for yourself. Many patients believe that cholesterol-lowering medication should leave but they are misguided as it is the physician in charge of suspending therapy.


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