After being detected high levels of blood cholesterol, the main attention should be given to food as poor eating habits are primarily responsible for the excess LDL cholesterol (known as bad cholesterol) levels. Besides the reduction of food of animal origin, patients with high levels of cholesterol in your diet is to add the right mix of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and oil seeds. In this new lifestyle is to be carried, acupuncture can be a great ally, as it promotes balance the endocrine system and improves blood circulation.
Acupuncture is a healing technique used in traditional Chinese medicine, but that in turn has been adopted in other countries. Is based on the use of very fine needles with the objective of stimulating specific areas of the body. These points lie on energy pathways called "meridians." Are designed acupuncture treatments to improve the flow and balance of energy along these meridians.
With peripheral stimulation, the technique helps the body eliminate bad cholesterol and produce good cholesterol. The body itself, when stimulated, promotes balance of substances. Patients already taking medications to treat cholesterol problems have no contraindication to the use of acupuncture, but quite the opposite.
The technique helps the absorption of various substances, including drugs, increasing its effects. For those afraid of needles, there's good news: Acupuncture is only one branch of the many that make traditional Chinese medicine. Phytotherapy techniques, auriculotherapy, tui-na, electro, among others, also have similar benefits and do not involve the use of needles.
In addition, some techniques are used acupuncture to help improve other aspects of health. For example, auricular acupuncture is used to reduce weight, manage stress, curb migraine, controlling nerves, lower triglycerides, reduce high blood pressure and combat colon irritation.
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