

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Diabetes and ice cream

When it is summer, Increases the consumption of certain products that are traditionally associated with it, such as ice cream or drinks sweet and drinks: iced, whipped milk... These treats the associate directly with high in sugar and in this sense can be little doubt as to whether its use is suitable or not for people with diabetes.

Having diabetes should not mean having to give up these delicacies dramatically: "As the holiday season should not be a particularly difficult but a period of rest and enjoyment as for everyone else, "says Dr. Alba, an endocrinologist at the Hospital Universitario de Canarias and Editor of Diabetes SED. All they have to keep in mind is that the products they consume contain the information so they know that they can take and which not.

The rich cream

batidoThe ice business that we all consume are prepared from milk and other dairy. The specialist informs us that these products "as the CAE (Spanish Food Code) must submit a certain characteristics in its preparation and composition ", such as sucrose content, additives and calories used, among others. These issues should be presented on labels so that they can be read by consumers.
The components do you add people with diabetes can not eat these ice cream in large quantities, "since they are high in simple sugars can determine elevations of blood glucose." It is best to find other alternatives to these products. One option would be the helados lights in which the levels of fats and simple sugars are reduced. However, the doctor explains that "does not presuppose that can be consumed in unlimited quantities, but the allowable amount may be somewhat higher for their content of specific ingredients."

The information to be

helado y fresasAcquiring these low-fat ice creams are recommended for Diabetics is easy. In almost all supermarkets and caterers can be found. There are varieties of this dessert with a sign that stands out that the product is "suitable for diabetics'. Even though we have all this, the doctor should always "be secured in correct labeling to adjust their consumption to our specific recommendations. "
Despite all the information you may have about these products, it is important that a diabetic person, before eating, contact with the team diabetes education that is trying to see how much the drink is suitable, since not all diabetics respond the same way. The expert explained that these patients, "must learn empirically and with other circumstances of our life (stress, colds), what is the effect that provokes their consumption. "

Natural Sodas

chica comiendoAs with ice cream, other summer as meringue can be consumed by people with diabetes following the guidelines listed above. Dr. Alba reminds us that carbohydrates and natural sugars, not added, the food, "can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet and an active lifestyle. "
But not only dairy ice cream or soft drinks can be considered only refreshing alternative and delicious to alleviate the summer heat. People with and without diabetes have at their disposal numerous fruits with a high percentage of water to help them beat the heat and also are rich in vitamins and fiber. "It is also important to increase consumption of vegetables, for example, in the form of appetizing salads," he advised the specialist.

As you can see, the life of people with diabetes should not be viewed entirely conditional to certain foods. Must control amount consuming ice cream, but not totally deprived of them. Of course, if there is any doubt, it is best to clarify ask the doctor carrying the treatment. He better than anyone else will offer the best tips to enjoy the healthiest way to the delights of summer.


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