When we talk about fat in relation to food, we usually refer to them as negative, as something to avoid. But this is a mistake. Fat is a general term for several types that exist and meet different functions in our body. Although there are some types less recommended, other essential and multiple benefits for our health.
To learn more lipids and their role in our life has recently presented 'The White Paper on Fats Functional Food ', Prepared by Dr. Andreu Palou and other members of the research group in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Nutrition and Biotechnology (Nutrigenomics) of the Universitat de les Illes Islands, and with the support of the Institute Flora. Throughout the eight chapters attempt to clarify many doubts about fats.
Good fats and less good
Fats are a set complex nutrients that we all should know the difference, since now "is an oversimplification of them," says Dr Andreu Palou. These are not only energy source, but compliance with other functions: Help the absorption of other vitamins and nutrients and been found to act as metabolic regulators. Thus, broadly speaking, could classify fats as follows:
Saturated fatty acids: are 'bad'. Must be reduced
intake 10%, as currently is between 12-13%. We find
in foods of animal origin and certain vegetable oils.
Monounsaturated fatty acids: their best representative is the
olive oil. In recent years it has been demonstrated many benefits
Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Fats are a very
healthy. Omega 3 and Omega 6 belong to this group. It
be allocated in the diet taken in a balanced way.
Trans fatty acids: are the real villains of the
film. Your intake should be minimal since these fats increase
incidence of cardiovascular disease, raise bad cholesterol and reduce
the good.
Therefore, "we must not talk about the amount of fat in general, blaming obesity, but have to see the quality of the same " experts say.
Information essential
The higher consumption of fats unhealthy occurs through industrial food. It is therefore important that the nutritional information presented, as clear possible. In addition and as Rachel said, nutritionist and member of Flora Institute, "more efforts are needed to enable health professionals and society in general, be available sufficient information about fats order, in this way to know which ones should be eaten by the contribution they make to our health, and which are limited by being harmful in excess. "The effort to develop a clear and specific legislation regarding the nutritional information, is increasing. Especially take care to regulate the functional foods that is, foods with beneficial nutrients that have been artificially added. Concern current health and welfare have made their demand is increasing and therefore seeks to end the legal anarchy that exists around the information than they really contain and the effects they produce.
The fats thus not be removed radically from diet but we must know what types and what we consume more much less. To do this, keep us informed is essential and to regulate this situation benefits us all.
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