

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Discovery of new genetic factors that cause bladder cancer

We recently talked about cervical cancer and new research that served to know what are the viruses that cause it. Today we devote an article to urinary bladder cancer, a disease which has also seen major developments in recent days.

A study conducted jointly by several organizations from different countries around the world identified three genetic factors so far unknown, that influence the occurrence of bladder cancer. In addition, through research were able to confirm six factors identified in earlier studies.

Two of these three genes identified increase the risk of uterine cancer in smokers. One is the NAT2 gene, which only increases the risk of cancer from smoking. Moreover, the researchers noted that relatives of people with this disease are more likely to get it.

To reach these conclusions, the researchers analyzed the DNA of 12 000 patients with this cancer in order to find genetic factors or variations in DNA that were related to this disease.
Montserrat Garcia-Closas, a member of the Institute of Cancer Research in London (UK) and commissioned the study, explained that the analysis "has identified three new genetic factors that predispose to urinary bladder cancer and confirmed six additional factors that were discovered with before. "

In addition, Garcia-Closas said that thanks to the discovery of risk factors in the future could be viable the possibility of detecting individuals with greater likelihood of developing cancer or increased risk of relapse after diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
Finally remains to say that the study has meant a breakthrough in the process learn more about the origins of bladder cancer.


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