

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What is cholesterol and how to control

Although Today the word cholesterol is full of negatives connotations associated with poor nutrition, cardiovascular problems and obesity, in reality it is a necessary element for our body. The important thing is to know what it is, how it works and when it is detrimental to health. The cholesterol is not nothing but a type of fat, A lipid involved in many important physiological processes such as cellular, digestive, and in synthesizing hormones, other functions.

Our liver is able to produce the cholesterol needed for the body. However, through feed, can receive an additional amount of this substance which, in many Sometimes it is unhealthy, especially for heart. The origin of the increase in blood is derived mainly from the increase in saturated and trans fats in the diet.

'Good' cholesterol and 'bad'

With this simple dichotomy, many doctors try to raise awareness their patients of the risks to health involves eating       unbalanced and fat. To cholesterol reaches the cells, before transport requires through the bloodstream. To this end, two lipoproteins, the LDL, Low density, associated with 'cholesterol bad 'and HDL, or high density, which is       identified with the 'good cholesterol'.

The problem of bad cholesterol or LDL is that, in excess, it accumulates in the arteries and impedes the passage of oxygen through of blood, which makes the work of the heart and brain. The accumulation of these fats in the blood vessels is called arteriosclerosis. Aside from the risk of stroke, there other serious cardiovascular diseases linked to excess fluid.

Meanwhile, the good cholesterol, or HDLNot only is necessary for the organism, It is advisable increase their numbers in the blood when there is risk of atherosclerosis, because it helps to synthesize the bad cholesterol that builds up on the walls arteries.

Medical management

ConsultaIt very important to keep monitoring thorough cholesterol levels blood, especially in the case of healthy adults, which should review at least every five years. It is measured in milligrams per deciliter and counts the total amount of cholesterol is transported in lipoproteins such as LDL, HDL, and others.

A blood test is sufficient to evaluate the amount of this substance. Those who already suffer from a table arteriosclerotic course, these checks should be made once or twice a year.

A of the most common causes of hypercholesterolemia (excess "bad" cholesterol) is in the lack of good cholesterol or HDL is essential to promote the synthesis of LDL in our liver. Smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity and physical inactivity are causes Frequently the lack of HDL.

Triglycerides and hypertension

ComidaThis is a type of fat, just as cholesterol, moves through the blood flow due to lipoprotein in the blood. Triglycerides feed power to the muscle cells. A high level of triglycerides is associated with a small amount of cholesterol 'Good' blood, hypertension and obesity.

Have high cholesterol often leads to serious health problems if there is also Hypertension. Both pathologies are the main sources of increased atherosclerosis in the organism.

Typically, the cases of hypercholesterolemia usually associated to hypertension. An inadequate supply, lack of exercise and bad habits are often result in both processes, since the two are closely related each other. If, in addition, we add the increase in triglycerides, we obtain a dangerous cocktail that will be be controlled in a strict way.

The power against 'bad' cholesterol

In these cases, once the doctor detects an excess of this substance blood, puts the patient normally a restrictive diet respect to fat intake. Experts recommend not only to less sedentary, but to improve the diet increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, rich in nutrients, fiber and grease.

It is also advisable to eat more foods with unsaturated fats (Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) and the fish, Chicken and vegetable oils such as olive and seed (corn, sunflower). Should feature rich grain products in fiber, and cereal, rice, beans and pasta. Although not eliminated from the diet, we recommend moderate consumption Coffee, tea, soft drinks and dairy (best use skim only).

It usually suppress all foods with saturated fat: red meat, pork, lamb, sausage, fat cheese and butter. Products with excess sugars and also eliminates calories (chocolate, pastries, sauces, pates ...) as well as those who are direct sources cholesterol: the egg yolk, some products tripe and crustaceans. The excess salt and spices should also evitarse.Y with he preserves and preparations abuse of these condiments.

Getting the bad cholesterol which does not harm our body is not difficult. The food aid much to it. Following a balanced diet combined with sport and healthy habits such as not smoking, get hold off the enemy so pernicious that is cholesterol.

Understanding Cholesterol


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