

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The World Diabetes Day is a day held an information campaign about diabetes, which is one of the diseases that affect people worldwide. With this campaign that takes place on 14 November each year tries to present the causes, symptoms, treatment and complications associated with this disease, especially in order to prevent or make it more bearable. Each year we report on all these aspects to us aware that diabetes is increasing every year, so we have to do something to prevent it.

The World Diabetes Day is celebrated every year on November 14, as stated above, with this date being the anniversary of Frederick Banting who, along with Charles Best, came to the discovery of insulin in October 1921.
If you feel like this disease and not know what is, something very strange as the most and least knows someone who has diabetes, know that diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose (sugar) of blood are very high.

According to statistics, not in four Spanish has or is willing to develop diabetes, according to results of a comprehensive study released by the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN), on the occasion of World Diabetes Day, which is Today marks the 14th November. The day was organized on this occasion under the theme Take control of diabetes, it now and has been promoted by WHO.

According to the WHO, World Health Organization, 300 million people are diabetic and consume 11.6% of global health expenditure.

On the other hand, an encouraging sign as it comes to fitness and diet can be lowered to 50% the risk of diabetes, which would leave in 12.5% ​​of Spanish at risk for diabetes if all we controlled our diet and did exercise.


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